Bare TechOps

Welcome to Bare TechOps, where I "uncover" several topics in the tech industry through practical and valuable articles and guides.

What is Bare TechOps?

Hello, World. I'm Ryan Saunders, and this is my little "blog" about my personal experience and insights through my time in the tech industry.

My first step in the tech space was as a Full-stack Software Engineer–and a highly opinionated one at that. Some of my opinions led to projects and some of those projects led to success. I am continually interested in the ecosystem of different persons–their backgrounds, roles, desires (personal and professional), and goals–and how they influence software development. I've since led out several teams, founded a company, and had a lot of successes and failures experimenting within this space.

I've also had the great opportunity to be a leader, mentor, and advisor at my own companies and externally. I get asked a lot of questions, and fortunately, there are some great existing resources out there that I can simply refer to answer them. Sometimes, however, I can't find the perfect answer–either because the content has been overly distilled into a succinct but insufficient package (aka, in a Medium article) or the best content is surrounded by a lot of fluff, padding, and over-generalizations to reach a larger audience and avoid becoming outdated (aka, in a book). When I feel an answer could benefit others, I take the time to write it down here! This encourages me to give a better-than-average answer for the person who asked, and to give back to the community.

Why is it called "Bare TechOps"?

  1. TechOps: As in Technical Operations, but as a self-coined term and not the "TechOps" branch of DevOps that isn't widely used (it's even questioned to exist on Reddit, and failing to compete in SEO against Fortnite of all things; it's practically begging for a fresh definition). I use the term because I am frequently playing the role of both Chief Technology Officer and Chief Operating Officer –or in smaller terms, leading out both software engineering (product, technology, IT, etc.) and internal business operational efforts (policies, leadership, professional development, etc.). Due to this bias, I believe that for tech companies those two roles are often intricately intertwined and I rarely differentiate them anymore. Hence: Tech+Ops=TechOps. It'll catch on. Just you wait.

"I'd like a word with your manager"

If you have any questions, thoughts, or critiques about any of the articles, feel free to message me on Twitter. You can also message me on LinkedIn, but I swear if you try to sell me your services I will be very very disappointed in you.

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